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Als wärst du hier

By Stevio

Dance, Pop

Secure your share in Stevio's first solo-project "Als wärst du hier" and benefit for the next 70 years.

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for 70 years

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4 mth after release


  • Rights:

  • Type:

    Participation Rights

  • Rights Holder:

    Global Rockstar

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  • Starting from:

    8.00 €

  • Break-even:

    2.9 Million Streams on Spotify


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Maximum amount per payment: 2,500€
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🇬🇧 "The song 'Als wärst du hier' which means 'As if you were here' is meant to illustrate how hard it can be sometimes when you want to have someone with you, but it doesn't work out the way you want it to. Many things remind you of a loved one and memories become present when you miss each other. One thinks of old times and experiences. One misses, one loves and sometimes the combination hurts." - Stevio

This might be Stevio's first solo-release with Global Rockstar but in case you missed it, they've already been part of a pretty epic tune on our platform in collaboration with Laurenz & Mitchy Katawazi beginning of this year: "Ups & Downs". A song that is close to smashing 1 million streams on Spotify and received quite a bit of love from Spotify's team through additions to popular editorial playlists.

Now the duo from Cologne, Germany, is back and with "Als wärst du hier" they're showcasing their exceptional talent and feeling for German pop-rap. In combination with their strong community on social media, including 14k followers on Instagram, we can't wait to see this song blow up on all major streaming services.

Make sure to grab your share of "Als wärst du hier" and support Stevio.


🇩🇪 "Der Song 'Als wärst du hier' soll veranschaulichen wie schwer es manchmal sein kann, wenn man jemanden bei sich haben möchte, dies aber nicht so funktioniert wie man es sich wünscht. Viele Dinge erinnern an einen geliebten Menschen und Erinnerungen werden präsent wenn man sich vermisst. Man denkt an alte Zeiten und Erlebtes. Man vermisst, man liebt und manchmal schmerzt die Kombination." - Stevio

Dies mag die erste Solo-Veröffentlichung von Stevio bei Global Rockstar sein, aber falls ihr es verpasst habt, waren sie Anfang dieses Jahres bereits Teil eines ziemlich epischen Songs auf unserer Plattform in Zusammenarbeit mit Laurenz & Mitchy Katawazi: "Ups & Downs". Ein Song, der kurz davor steht, die 1-Millionen-Stream-Marke auf Spotify zu knacken, und der vom Spotify-Team durch die Aufnahme in beliebte redaktionelle Playlists sehr viel Liebe bekommen hat.

Jetzt ist das Duo aus Köln zurück und zeigt mit "Als wärst du hier" sein außergewöhnliches Talent und Gefühl für deutschen Pop-Rap. In Kombination mit ihrer starken Community in den sozialen Medien, darunter 14k Follower auf Instagram, können wir es kaum erwarten, dass dieser Song auf allen großen Streaming-Diensten durch die Decke geht.

Sichert euch euren Anteil an "Als wärst du hier" und unterstützt Stevio.

About Stevio

🇬🇧 Livio Ponzetta and Stefan Boenig known as German pop-dj duo Stevio are two 25-year-old artists from Cologne, Germany. Livio & Stefan got to know each other in 2014 when they both attended the same school and shortly after moved in together. Since they are an inseparable team which led to the foundation of Stevio in 2021. 

Stevio is known for top-notch pop-rap productions with well-known artists such as Laurenz, Seb, Mitchy Katawazi or Kieran. In just 2 years they have accumulated more than 3.6 million streams on Spotify alone with their most successful hit "Wie Sommer, Baby", a collaboration with German artist Laurenz, which accounts for more than 1.7 million of their streams. With "Als wärst du hier" they're about to release their first solo-project. 


🇩🇪 Livio Ponzetta und Stefan Boenig, besser bekannt als deutsches Pop-DJ-Duo Stevio, sind zwei 25-jährige Künstler aus Köln, Deutschland. Livio & Stefan lernten sich 2014 kennen, als sie beide die gleiche Schule besuchten und kurz darauf zusammenzogen. Seitdem sind sie ein unzertrennliches Team, was zur Gründung von Stevio im Jahr 2021 führte. 

Stevio ist bekannt für hochkarätige Pop-Rap-Produktionen mit bekannten Künstlern wie Laurenz, Seb, Mitchy Katawazi oder Kieran. In nur 2 Jahren haben sie mehr als 3,6 Millionen Streams allein auf Spotify gesammelt, wobei ihr erfolgreichster Hit "Wie Sommer, Baby", eine Kollaboration mit dem deutschen Künstler Laurenz, mehr als 1,7 Millionen Streams ausmacht. Mit "Als wärst du hier" veröffentlichen sie nun ihr erstes Soloprojekt. 

You get

Net Proceeds from the commercial exploitation of the master rights of the recording and the song ''Als wärst du hier" for 70 years.,Net Proceeds master rights: All incurring revenues from the exploitation of the master rights (streams, downloads, sync rights – when used for commercials or in movies) less taxes (if applicable) and less a firm distribution fee of 25%.,You will receive your first proceed statement from streams and downloads approx. 4 months after the release, followed by monthly statements. After that, you will be able to see your earnings on the dashboard of your account and withdraw your earnings or reinvest them in other Projects.

“We envision a world where everyone benefits from the success of music: artists, creators, music rights owners and fans.”

Global Rockstar is a Fintech company & music rights marketplace which allows fans and retail investors to become shareholders in hit songs while offering artists and rights owners a new financing ecosystem via crowd-investing.

Fans and retail investors can purchase the rights to participate in revenues from newly created and already existing music rights, and secure the purchased rights including conjoined digital cover artwork animations as smart contracts in the blockchain. .

Disclaimer: In addition to offering a great opportunity, an investment in a song also entails risks. Nobody can know for sure if a song becomes a hit and you might not recoup your investment within the desired time frame, or in the worst case, at all. The history of music shows: While a big majority or releases do not even recoup their production costs, one becomes a huge hit. Therefore, we advise splitting your investments into several opportunities.

Investors are aware, that the concrete investments is no savings product and that they bear the risk to lose this invested money partially, in total or that they potentially do not earn a return on their investment.

Investors are also aware that the investment is not secured through a security instrument or an official deposit protection system. For further information, please read the risk notice contained in the “Informationsblatt für Anleger” (for Austrians only).